Code |
Manufacturer |
Manufacturer Part Number |
19144 |
Global Product Type |
Scientific Calculators |
Power Source(s) |
Battery |
Display Notation |
Numeric |
Number of Display Digits |
10 |
Calculators Display Type |
Display Characters x Display Lines |
10 x 1 |
Calculators Memory |
1 |
Case |
Hard Case |
Display Characters Height |
8.3 mm |
Percent Key(s) |
No |
Fraction Calculations |
Yes |
Fraction/Decimal Conversions |
Yes |
Decimal Function |
No |
+/- Switch Key |
Yes |
Currency Exchange Function |
No |
Metric Conversion |
No |
Backspace Key |
Yes |
Double Zero Key |
No |
Amortization |
No |
Base Number Calculations |
No |
Bond Calculations |
No |
Complex Number Calculations |
No |
Confidence Interval Calculating |
No |
Cost/Sell/Margin |
No |
Date Calculations |
No |
Depreciation Calculations |
No |
Entry Logic |
Algebraic |
Equation Editor |
No |
Grand Total Key |
No |
Hyperbolic Functions |
No |
Hypothesis Testing |
No |
Interest Rate Conversion |
No |
Item Count Function |
No |
Levels of Parentheses |
10 |
Linear Regression |
No |
Loan Calculation |
No |
Logical (Boolean) Operations |
No |
Markup/Down Key |
No |
Matrices |
No |
Percent Add-On/Discount |
No |
Polar-Rectangular Conversion |
Yes |
Probability (Random Number) |
No |
Simultaneous Equations |
No |
Square Root Key |
Yes |
Tax Calculation |
No |
Time-Value-of-Money |
No |
Time/Date |
No |
Trig/Log Functions |
Yes |
Variable Regression |
No |
Variable Statistics |
One |
Size |
3.13 x 6 |
Replacement Batteries |
Silver Oxide |
Product Biodegradability in Days |
0 |
Package Includes |
Batteries,Hard-Shell Case |
Pre-Consumer Recycled Content Percent |
0% |
Post-Consumer Recycled Content Percent |
0% |
Total Recycled Content Percent |
0% |
033317029990 |
44101808 |
Both DOT and OSHA regulated |
Package |
Small Package; Eligible for UPS Shipping |
Weight |
3 lbs. |
Height |
7 in |
Length |
10 in |
Width |
7.5 in |
Country of Origin |
Taiwan (Province of China) |
Performs basic scientific and trigonometric functions. Ideal for general math, pre-algebra, algebra 1 and 2, trigonometry and biology. Features conversions and fraction calculations.
We are sorry but no alternatives are currently available, we are working on getting this back in stock as soon as possible.